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DISABILITIES AND ACCOMMODATION ZORGANICS Institute is committed that no qualified handicapped person, by reason of his or her handicap, will be excluded from enrolling in a course of instruction or be subjected to discrimination based upon disability. Applicants, who are persons with disabilities as defined in paragraph104:3(j) of the regulation under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of1973, may apply for admittance into the program. However, all prospective students must meet standard admissions requirements. ZORGANICS Institute does not formally assess students under the standards of a traditional 504 plan( IEP/other). If an applicant for enrollment believes he or she may need accommodation during his or her program, he or she should advise an Admissions Associate prior to class start and must submit a written request for specific accommodation(s). The written request must include documentation of the student’ social assessment (for example, an Individual Education Program (IEP) from the student’s highschool) and outline thes pecific accommodations requested. Should a student fail to request accommodation prior to the program start, he or she may submit a written request to the Institute Director at his or her Institute at anytime; however, all requests should be made atleast four weeks in advance of the date needed. Accommodation plans determined after the fact program start will be effective from the date determined moving forward. All requests for accommodation will be reviewed by the Institute’s Accommodation Coordinator and a determination of reasonable accommodations (if applicable) will be provided in writing prior to the start of the student’s  program and/or within two weeks of the offcial request for currently enrolled students. Students requesting reconsideration of the decision regarding the request should contact Institute management with in one week of the date of the response. The student must provide a statement of why and how he or she believes the response should be modified. Due to state licensing requirements and rigorous industry standards that are in place to protect the public, all students are required to meet the academic standards outlined in the catalog.


At Zorganics Institute of Beauty and Wellness, we are proud to support our veterans and military personnel. We understand the unique challenges that service members and their families face. That’s why we offer a range of programs and services specifically designed to meet their needs. We are committed to ensuring that every veteran and military member who walks through our doors feels welcome and supported.

Zorganics Institute offers GI Bill for veterans. For more information, contact Certififying officer  Frida Emalange at

NACCAS combined performance statistics  for Zorganics Institute calender year  2022 


Graduation rate for all programs 95.24% 

Placement Rate for all programs 95%

Licensure Rate for all programs  95%



Both Cosmetology and Esthetician program are Financial aid Eligible and the FAFSA Code is  043003

To  Start a free application, visit


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Application for admission


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