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Applying for employment 

  Thank you for considering Zorganics as your potential employer. We are excited to review your application and learn more about your skills and experience Our company values diversity, creativity, and innovation, and we are committed to a positive and inclusive work environment for all our employees. We look forward to hearing from you soon.  We are committed to exceptional services. If you share this commitment and are looking for a career in the beauty and wellness industry, we invite you to apply for one of our available positions. Our employment application is easy to complete, and we will review your submission within five days. Take the first step towards a rewarding career with us today!

Employment Application

First Name





Last Name


Social Security Number

Are you a US citizen?

Position Desired

Date available to Start

Government-issued ID & Social Security Card

Upload File
Max File Size 15MB

Resume & Cover letter
(cover letter upload is for instructors only)

Select File
Max File Size 15MB

Emergency contact name/relationship/phone


Name/Year(s) Known:                  Phone:                                              Job Title:

Professional References:

Name & location of school/Degree/Certificate earned

Computer Skills:

Computer Level
List the names of the programs you are trained in

Employment History

Begin with your most recent employer. Include all employment for the past ten years.






Dates: From-To




Ok to contact?

Reason for leaving
& experiences learned




State/ Zip


Dates: From-To




Ok to contact?

Reason for leaving
& experiences learned

How many days
have you missed work in a year?

What is important to you about the position you're applying for? How do you know you
are doing a good job while working?

Zorganics Institute is an Equal Opportunity Employer and selects the best matched individual for the job based upon its related qualifications, All applicants will be given an equal consideration regardless of race, age, sex, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, ancestry, pregnancy or other medical condition(s), marital status, color, religion, nationality, religion, or other protected groups under state, federal, or local equal opportunity laws. Information requested on this application will not be used for any purpose prohibited by law.


I understand and agree that:


1. Any information misrepresentation or deliberate omission of a fact in my application may be justification for refusal or, if employed, termination from employment.  I understand I must complete all portions of this application and understand that failure to do so may result in not receiving further consideration for employment.


2. It is my understanding that Zorganics Institute Beauty and Wellness may make a thorough investigation of my entire work history and may verify all dates given in my application for employment, related papers, or oral interview. I authorize such investigation as well as the exchange of such information. I understand that falsification of data given or other derogatory information discovered as a result of this investigation may prevent my employment at Zorganics or when hired, may subject me to immediate dismissal.  


3. I authorize Zorganics Institute Beauty and Wellness to conduct an investigative report of my personal background and credit history. I understand that they will obtain information concerning my credit reputation from all available sources and in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act. I agree if employed, to conform to the rules and regulations of Zorganics Institute Beauty and Wellness.


1. I agree that my employment may be terminated by this company at any time without liability for wages and salary except such as may have been earned at the date of such termination.


2. I understand that if hired, the length of my employment is not guaranteed. Recognizing that I will be free to voluntarily terminate my employment at any time without cause, I acknowledge that the Company will be free to terminate my employment at any time, with or without cause.


3. If requested by the management at any time, I agree to submit to search of my person, bags, purse, packages or the locker that may be assigned to me, and I hereby waive all claims for damages on account of such examination.


4. Although management makes every effort to accommodate individual preferences, business needs may at times make the following conditions: mandatory overtime, shift work, a rotating work schedule, or a work schedule other than Monday through Friday. I understand and accept these conditions of my continuing employment.


5. I agree and consent that any wages which may be due, may be applied against any indebtedness I may have incurred to Zorganics Institute. I understand and agree that any compensation may be withheld for a reasonable time for purposes of calculating accounts owed to me and owed by me. I understand and agree that should I be terminated or resign voluntarily; I will be paid any compensation due to me on the next scheduled payday, for the appropriate pay period, after termination.


6. This company reserves the right to conduct preemployment drug testing.


Disclosure of Confidential Information:


1. I understand that I may be required to sign a confidentiality and/or non-compete agreement should I become an employee of Zorganics Institute.


2. I agree that during the course of my employment with Zorganics Institute, I will be provided with valuable techniques and procedures, client referrals, client contacts ,and business practices. 


3. Without the express written authorization of Zorganics Institute, I will not while employed by the Employer, or subsequent to such employment, disclose to anyone outside the employ of Zorganics Institute, or in any way make use of any confidential information pertaining to Zorganics Institute activities or salon business. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, client lists, client prospect material, price lists, rate structures, student client service records, and student salon appointment books.


4. Upon leaving the employment of Zorganics Institute, I will not without the express written authorization of Zorganics Institute, take with me in any form the original or any copy of any confidential information as defined in paragraphs 2 and 3, stated above.


5. I agree that during my employment with Zorganics Institute Beauty and Wellness, I will not, without the express written authorization of Zorganics Institute ,use the name "Zorganics Institute" in any form in a promotional or commercial manner for the purpose of promoting or advertising cosmetology or spa services and/or products.


All information given on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand all the above information contained on this application. 


Print name                                                                                                                    Date




By submitting this form, you agree to the terms and conditions and for the institute to contact you.

Thank you for submitting!

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